Siren DC
About Siren


AIPAC Minyan Mission Interactive

SirenDC created this Flash interactive as a promotion for the 2007 AIPAC Minyan Mission Cruise, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Exodus sailing.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is the pro-Israel lobby, one of the largest advocacy organization in the US.

The Flash piece includes a short overview of the mission, and then allows the viewer to explore the trip via an interactive map and travel journal.

We also created an HTML email to drive members to the Flash interactive.

This piece was developed in collaboration with Beth Singer Design, who is responsible for the print design concept, typography, and illustration.

In 2007, this project was awarded Webby Honoree status.

2007 Webby Awards Official Honoree

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

October, 2006

Project Type:
Flash Interactive

Project Medium:
Flash Application


View Site/Example


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