Siren DC
CSIS Orginal Design


CSIS Website

SirenDC designed, built and managed the creation of the CSIS frontend website and backend content management system (CMS).

CSIS is a well respected Washington thinktank. They needed a site that would communicate the depth and breadth of their work, expertise and publications.

The site organizes all their data: Programs, Publications, Experts, Events and more around Research Foci. This allows site users to easily navigate to the information they need. The site includes over 10 gigabytes of data and 20,000 records.

The site was created using the Mambo open source framework and modified with custom applications to meet CSIS needs.

The first image is the original approved designs. The second series is the modified designs we created in response to internal requests. Also included is a view of the CSIS Mambo CMS.

Center for Strategic and International Studies

February, 2006

Project Type:
Website and Content Management System

Project Medium:
World Wide Web

Mambo CMS framework, HTML, CSS.

View Site

CSIS Research Focus

CSIS Pubs Page


CSIS home

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