Siren DC


Iran Map
Iran's Path to the Bomb
Strategic Tour 2005

SirenDC created and crafted the video, stills, 3D animation, and animated info graphics to tell the story of "Iran's Path to the Bomb." The Tour is an experiential multimedia exhibit that explores a specific subject for AIPAC's members at their yearly conference.

SirenDC created and crafted the video, stills, 3D animation, and info graphics to tell the story of Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons. The urgency and importance of the subject were explained in three distinct modules displayed on life size monitors:

  • An introduction to the players involved.
  • A 3D virtual model of a nuclear centrifuge demonstrating how making energy can be transformed into making a bomb
  • A call to action integrating map elements, video, stills and info graphics.

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

May, 2005

Project Type:
Multimedia Exhibit

Project Medium:

Lightwave, After Effects, DVD Studio Pro, Final Cut, Photoshop, Illustrator

3D plutonium centrifuges 3D Uranium Map Info Graphic

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